In addition to game design, I regularly do pixel art. Either for my projects (Essentially for Fangames Pokemon when I started, which explains the large amount of Pokemon assets). However since some time I try to diversify in other style in pixel art and detach myself from Pokemon. Here are some examples of assets I have in the past or right now.


Of course I can't show everything. I will show the different things I can do in pixel art.



Assets present on a game level :



Tile assets for the fangame Pokemon Renaissance.



Assets present during the dialogue to represent the speaking character :

Mugshot Assets for a Pokemon fangame paused for the moment.

Mugshot Assets for the fangame Pokemon Renaissance.

Mugshot Assets of the hero for game  _ÆNTROPY 


This asset represents a battle trainer or Pokemon (battlers).  It's the assets you can find in Pokemon fights : 

 Asset for the same fanGame paused, probably reuse for another FanGame pokemon.


Player or non-player character that can be seen in a game level : 

Overworld assets for the fangame Pokemon Renaissance.

Assets of a shadow for the game  : Shade Bound.

Hero assets for a game  _ÆNTROPY 



Assets that are used for slideshows in the background for example :


Screen of agame  _ÆNTROPY 

Map test for the prototype of the game: Shade Bound.

Background for the Battle in the fangame Pokemon Renaissance.


Assets that represents a map of a game :



 prototype map of a fangame  Pokemon Renaissance.

Assets that represents the map of a fangame Pokemon Renaissance.